Sony A900, Minolta 50 1.7, 1/13s @ f3.2, ISO 800, handheld ACR 5.3 settings: no sharpening; exposure, recovery, fill light, blacks...

Sony A900, Minolta 50 1.7, 1/13s @ f3.2, ISO 800, handheld

ACR 5.3 settings: no sharpening; exposure, recovery, fill light, blacks, brightness, contrast, clarity, vibrance, saturation set at defaults; medium contrast point curve; noise reduction at defaults

DxO 5.3.3 settings: lighting tools to simulate ACR output, no color adjustments, no geometry adjustments, no sharpness adjustments, noise reduction at luminance = 20 (better results than default of 40) and default chrominance (20) for ISO 800. Photo © copyright by Brett Deacon.